Enroll In Daniel 1 Academy
Please note: Enrollment has changed this year. New families must enroll and then add students at the links below. Watch for emails asking for required documents after submitting new family and student enrollments. Returning families will not need to submit new documents other than their re-enrollment. ALL families will be receiving new family ID numbers this year and ALL students will be receiving new student ID numbers this year. Only families who opt in and pay for hard copy ID cards will receive them from 2024 on.

Complete the Enrollment Packet
Please use a different registration form for each child. You may submit the completed registration by mail, fax, email or bring it into our office. Include the correct amount of fees and any other papers required or the registration will be delayed.
Required Documents
A copy of the student’s official birth certificate must be submitted with registration for any student new to D1A.
If this is the first child you are registering with D1A, you must submit a copy of a parent’s high school diploma or transcript showing graduation date, or any proof of schooling after high school such as a college transcript. Call the school if you have questions about this.
If someone other than the student’s parents (i.e. grandparents, friend, other family member) is enrolling the student, you must submit copies of official documents proving guardianship of the student.
This will help us to be able to start your student more quickly on the new materials. Without it we will have to wait until their former school sends us records.
Next, Watch For Confirmation

Recieve Enrollment Confirmation Packet
Within a few days after enrolling you should receive a confirmation email for each student from D1A that will include:
If you ordered the ID cards, they will come in the mail. One for each student and up to two teacher cards. All correspondence with D1A must include the Family ID# and /or the Student ID# so please keep these and / or memorize your numbers.
For continuing students we include a copy of his current transcript so that you may compare it with your own records.
See all the important dates for the upcoming school year. There is a printable version of the calendar available if you need one.
This helps to plan what classes are needed as a student makes their way toward graduation.
Included if you enrolled a student in 12th grade. This includes a personalized letter which will come in a separate email stating which graduation requirements the student still needs to meet.
Then, Withdraw From Former School

Withdraw your child from former school
In addition to registering with Daniel 1, officially withdraw them from any previous schools. Go to the school and find out what you need to do or call them and ask. (Not necessary if switching schools during the summer break.)
Now Begin Teaching Your Child

Begin teaching your child at home
On the Homeschooling program you will need to obtain school materials to use. You can purchase them across the internet, from individuals, from curriculum fairs and from retail stores. On the Correspondence program you will be receiving your curriculum from Daniel 1 along with a schedule to follow. On the Online program you will receive instructions on how to access Daniel 1’s Ignitia website.
Frequently Asked Questions
The yearly enrollment at Daniel 1 Academy is valid only for the current school year. Students need to be re-enrolled each school year.
The school year at Daniel 1 Academy starts on July 1st and ends on June 30th of the following year. The enrollment is open year-round and transfers are accepted throughout the school year. However, enrollments for the new school year are only taken after June 1, with most students enrolling for the new school year between June 1 and August 1.
The student's enrollment at Daniel 1 Academy begins on the date he/she registers for that school year. For example, if a student starts homeschooling in August but does not register until November, the school days between August and November will not be counted as school days at Daniel 1 Academy.
Daniel 1 Academy requires a minimum attendance of 180 days for each student, but it does not require an attendance report. Parents are responsible for ensuring that their students meet this requirement.
Parents of students on the Homeschool Program at Daniel 1 Academy are required to submit a grade report for each semester. The first semester reports are due by January 30th, while the second semester reports are due by June 30th. If a student withdraws from D1A during a semester, the parent must submit the grade report at the time of withdrawal.
No, Daniel 1 Academy no longer offers achievement testing. Parents who want testing for their students should look for options on the internet. However, high school students are still required to take the ACT test.